Follow base 48°F degree day accumulations to track alfalfa weevil (Hypera postica) life stages as part of your alfalfa forage management program.

Based on white mold research in soybean by Willbur et al (2018) at University of Wisconsin-Madison.

White Mold Risk Summary


IMPORTANT NOTICE. Spring 2023 - the new white mold for soybean model requires validation work for accuracy and precision under New York State growing conditions. PROCEED WITH CAUTION. It is very important to verify model output by scouting your fields before taking costly management actions. Check back often for updates.

Chance of white mold infection is %. This assumes the field is planted at 15-inch row spacing, is irrigated, and beans are flowering. Update crop details below if any of these factors are incorrect.

Crop Details

Row spacing
Irrigation status
Flowering status