NEWA is a partnership of New York State Integrated Pest Management, Northeast Regional Climate Center, and Cornell University

Become a Partner

Partner with NEWA to enhance your IPM and crop management decision-making.

NEWA is a partnership of land grant universities and grower associations. If you live in one of the states listed, you can buy a weather station for your farm and connect to NEWA. Or visit our Partners page to find out if you are in a NEWA Partner state.

NEWA in New York State

The New York State Coordinator is listed here. Contact this person with questions about NEWA tools and resources in New York or find your NEWA State Coordinator our Partners page.

Dan Olmstead

New York State IPM Program
Cornell University
Geneva, NY 14456

Top reasons NEWA benefits my state:

  1. Better IPM, reduced pesticide use, improved environmental protection.
  2. Better crop management, improved crop quality, improved yield.
  3. Enhanced decision support.

Become a NEWA Partner State

If you aren’t in a NEWA Partner state, contact the NEWA Help Desk, to learn about the benefits gained from statewide membership. Extension faculty and growers that know about the positive outcomes and impacts of using NEWA, want NEWA coverage in their geographic regions. Read details and expectations about the NEWA partnership.

Become a Weather Station Owner

Onset Data Loggers and KestrelMet offer weather stations configured for NEWA’s crop and IPM tools. Visit our Buy a Weather Station page to contact vendors and understand the steps required for connecting with NEWA resources. If you are in a Partner state, an unlimited number of weather stations can be added to NEWA in that state. If you are outside the NEWA network, you can become a Partner Grower, read more below.

Become a NEWA Partner Grower

Not in a NEWA Partner state? You can still join NEWA for an annual membership fee of $290 for the first weather station. Add more weather stations on your farm at a pro-rated fee of $260 each. Learn more About Weather Stations that can connect to NEWA. Read details and expectations about the NEWA partnership.

Page updated May 2020 by D. Olmstead and J. Carroll

Get a Weather Station

NEWA is compatible with special configurations of Onset and KestrelMet weather instruments. See what your options are.

Buy a Weather Station

Have a question?

Reach out to our support center and ask questions to get support for NEWA tools, resources, and weather stations.

Contact the NEWA Help Desk

Become a Partner

NEWA is a partnership of land grant universities and grower associations. If you live in a partner state, you can buy a weather station for your farm and connect to NEWA.

Learn More

NEWA Partners